Zhongshan Jiaming power plant used 2BW9 roots water ring vacuum pump unit for energy saving transformation

Zhongshan Jiaming power plant consists of phase I, phase II and phase III projects. Phase I projects were put into operation in 1997 and 1998 respectively. Two sets of 390000 kW generating units in phase II were put into operation in 2009. A total of 4 sets of 460000 kW generating units of phase III project were put into operation in 2014. The annual power generation capacity of Zhongshan Jiaming power plant is more than 12 billion kwh. According to the 150 kwh of electricity used by a household in a month (the stepped electricity price limit stipulated by the state), this 12 billion kwh can supply the annual electricity consumption of about 6.6 million households. 12 billion kwh of power generation also accounts for 50% of the total annual electricity consumption of Zhongshan City (calculated according to the electricity consumption data in 2019).

Compared with coal-fired power, natural gas power generation has little impact on the environment. The main component of natural gas is methane (CH4). The emissions of units during power generation are carbon dioxide and water. Sulfur dioxide, the main culprit of acid rain, is basically not emitted. Dust, the main culprit of benzene and lead carcinogens and PM2.5, is emitted. The emissions of nitrogen oxides and carbon dioxide are only 20% and 45% of that of coal-fired power generation. " Compared with mainstream coal-fired power plants in China, Zhongshan Jiaming natural gas unit emits 0.53g less nitrogen oxides and 530.27g less carbon dioxide per kilowatt hour of power generation. According to Zhongshan Jiaming's annual power generation capacity of 12 billion kwh, it can reduce nitrogen oxide emissions by nearly 6360 tons and carbon dioxide emissions by 6.3 million tons every year, which is equivalent to planting more than 10 million trees. The green and low-carbon benefits are significant.

The condenser vacuum pumping system of unit 3 of Zhongshan Jiamin power plant originally used pure water ring vacuum pump, which has high energy consumption. After learning from peers in the power generation industry, we learned that Kenflo's 2bw9 roots water ring vacuum pump unit has a good effect in maintaining the condenser vacuum, and the energy saving effect is very obvious. Finally, it was decided to add a set of 2bw9 series Roots water ring vacuum pump unit to maintain the vacuum of the condenser.

The project adopts the general contracting method, that is, kenfulai pump company completes the product design, manufacturing, logistics transportation, site installation, cable laying, thermal control and instrument installation, commissioning and trial operation.

  • The 2BW9 roots water ring vacuum pump unit manufactured by Guangdong kenfulai Pump Co., Ltd. was delivered to the site.
  • The unit adopts an integrated skid mounted structure. All components have been assembled in the factory and passed the factory test.
  • The base and mounting bracket of the unit are of firm structure and strong bearing capacity. After putting into operation, the vibration of water ring vacuum pump and roots vacuum pump will be effectively reduced.
  • The pipe diameter inside the unit is large, and a certain excess of flow capacity is reserved.
  • It has stronger adaptability to various working conditions.


Huizhou Kenfulai Company arranges construction personnel to the site for equipment installation. The picture above shows the line being drawn and positioned.



Concrete foundation pouring. It is installed by means of reserved holes and secondary grouting .



Above: Concrete foundation after removing formwork. In strict accordance with the maintenance requirements, watering and maintenance are carried out. After the strength of the concrete foundation reaches 75% strength, the 2BW9 unit is hoisted into place, and then the second grout is carried out.



Above: Kenflo 2BW9 roots - water ring vacuum pump unit that has been installed at the Jiaming power plant. Commissioning and commissioning conditions are available.

With the cooperation of commissioning personnel and users of Huizhou Kenflo Company, on-site load test operation was carried out.



Simply running the newly installed 2BW9 roots – water ring vacuum pump unit can maintain the condenser's vacuum. And compared to using a pure water ring vacuum pump to maintain vacuum, a higher vacuum degree can be obtained.



The operating current is normal, and the operating current is much lower than that of the original simple water ring vacuum pump unit.

Users are very satisfied with the effect of this energy-saving retrofit.

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